Book keeper/accountant
Hi there,
I am a musician, music teacher and I give teambuilding sessions for companies. I have done this for 10 years. I just moved from Holland to Denmark, so I'm technically in a starting fase for the Danish market.
I need a simple, no-nonsense book keeping or account service that doesn't cost too much.
I can do my own administration/bookkeeping, but I need you to help me with tax and rules and how to organize my administration according to the Danish rules.
Oprettet 20.10.2015
Kategori Bogholder
Ønskes påbegyndt Ligemeget
Hvor mange bilag (indgående og udgående regninger) har du ca. om året? 30
Hvis du allerede bruger et bestemt regnskabsprogram, så skriv det her: Dutch program called Snelstart
Hvilken type virksomhed har du? Privatperson